2010. március 11., csütörtök

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Andras Tokai Biography & Notes

Born in Debrecen, Hungary, 06 May, 1946.
Poet, prose writer, translator. Lives in Budapest.
Graduated in 1970 from Roland Eötvös University of Arts and Sciences, Budapest,
M.A. in Hungarian and English Language and Literature. Till 2006 retirement worked as language teacher, international relations officer at the Ministry of Culture, more recently at the Budapest Univeristy of Technology and Economics.

Publications from 1969 on in literary magazines and daily papers.

Collections of poems:
Ideiglenes emlékművek ( Provisional Monuments) 1985, Szépirodalmi Kiadó
Aranykor, ezüstkor, vackor ( Golden Age, Silver Age, Irony Age ) 2006, Orpheusz

Translations: Arabic poets, Thomas Kinsella's poems mainly in Nagyvilág and Somogy literary magazines, American thrillers at Generalpress Editions.

Short stories and other prose: Élet és Irodalom weekly, Ezredvég and Holmi magazines.

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Ideiglenes Emlekmuvek by Andras Tokai ( 1985)

Aranykor, ezüstkor, vackor (2006)

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